For the six years that he has already been President of the USA fiscal discipline has never been an agenda item of his administration. He has run up the national debt and the budget deficit by large amounts and has significantly increased the size of the Federal Government while constantly talking about smaller government.
The nation finally woke up in 2006 and recognized the constant supply of lies from the White House and their nauseating repetitions from the echo-box of conservative talk-radio and put the Democrats back in control of both houses of Congress.
But the lying still has not stopped!
Just today he claimed in a Rose Garden speech that through spending cuts and tax reform his administration has cut the budget deficit in half. Half of what? And by not accounting for expenses of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq! Nice, take out the most expensive line item in the expense report and call the books in black. In the corporate world this is called "cooking the books" or fraud and is punishable with jail terms!
And now suddenly, earmarks and pork barrel projects have become a bad thing that must be fixed.
What a shameless hypocrite, makes me sick.
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